April 30, 2009

BLOG Updates:

I have added....
1) My Old Blog Archives
2) All My Old LINKS
3) New LINKS
4) I am caught up on all those who are following this Blog, and I thank you for the follow.

There will be a New Monthly Posting tomorrow, May 1, 2009.

Thanks to...
/Blogs Follow Me/ for all the Google Tips and Listing. The Google Blogging Tips were great and very helpful.
Everyone, please join Blogs Follow Me at:

April 1, 2009

Closed, Archived Post for All Realtors and Mortgage Brokers Suck

Sign of the times.
Yes, things will stay bad at least in the Real estate Market for awhile.

I know, this is contrary to what the government says, but just look around your own neighborhood and tell me things are getting better.
If you have the money, now is a good time to buy property.

This Archive is closed for postings.
Please post to the Current Month only.
Thank You.
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Consumers - This BLOG is just for you. So please BLOG as often as you like, defend your consumer rights, speak out.

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